Category Archives: To be present, is a new world of oppurtunity

Another sweet whisper of inspiration, came when I arrived at my dear friend (The Mucci Bird)’s door.
I am sure you would be lucky enough, to also have one of those people in your life, that just on seeing them -you feel more relaxed and encouraged to be yourself.
I am always welcomed with a hug and the warmest of smiles. But what she didn’t know was that she taught me a little lesson.
In telling me that she had quite a bit on her plate and we discussed how that can sometimes be overwhelming. She decided to take a break from her ‘things to do’ and just do something fun.
This play was- pinch pot making. Moments of pure making or play are some of the most alive hours of the day.
Thanks for the reminder wise soul.
Cinnamon girl x


With my recent discovery of the concept Wabi- Sabi. A way of seeing and being in the world. A term that is understood differently from the aesthetic angle of: finding beauty and grace in the rustic and unassuming, to the simplicity and stripping away of excess in daily life. Just the awareness of such a perspective has inspired me as a human to absorb the beauty in the ordinary or aged. Also not unlike the country of origin of the notion- Japan; slow down and in doing so, experience a peaceful process and greater awareness.

Little things.

As an artist, I discovered my work breathes with natural parallels to Wabi-Sabi’s ideas of quietude, an appreciation of imperfection and simple acceptance of the world as is.
This was a connection, which genuinely brought be comfort.
I like to bring light to such a connected perspective,in the hope that
maybe you might get more joy out of the everyday objects or quiet moments.

If you would like to read more on this topic….’Wabi-Sabi for artists,Designers, Poets and Philosophers’ By Leonard Koren.

Cinnamon girl x

To be present.


     To be present, is a state of being in which iam incredibly interested. After an increasing number of moments of heightened compassion and connectiveness recently- i decided i would like to share my thoughts and curiosities.

At first i was curious about the mindfullness and contemplation experienced, when perception of the present takes place.

With this notion influencing my thoughts~ the last year has brought about many insights creatively. Through these intuitive musings , i have discovered a personal aesthetic which enlivens a ‘way of being’ within the present.

These drawings provoke many questions: Are our minds or are just our bodies involved in the experience of time? And are we allowing it to be a moment of zen; of mindful activity.

The beautiful thing about feeling present is the connectedness one feels to time, nature, space.

Yesterday i was refreshed by a moment sitting on the train platform. Which is just quietly- a perfect place to practice ‘present’ moment engagement, as it allows for a deeper response to humanity. Anyway, A young Japanese girl sitting on the opposite platform began to sing. Just loud enough for me and the others sitting next to me to hear. Her eyes were closed and her hooded head was tucked up in her scarf. That little moment, this sweet girl was fully present with the music that played through her earphones. She, being fully emersed in her singing- got full enjoyment out of her present. This touched me, as i felt like i was witnessing just another bit of extroidinary human beauty.

 I find if you are mindful, a moment like this or the one you experience for yourself can be so  full of positive emotion. That you feel so alive, that life is seen through new appreciating eyes. Almost a way of getting to the heart of things quicker (Jason roberts).


Cinnamon girl x