Tag Archives: Tracy Verdugo

Sacred Women’s Time.

The other morning I sat in a tea shop, aside from mellowing my mind- It was rather insightful.

I noticed a group of women who sat together in excitement and celebration, they told stories just of simple things but what i liked was the Joy that each lady omitted while joking and laughing which then bounced off the other women. I also felt infected by their Joy: a feeling that women and men feel alike when in the presence of their good freinds, but here I wish to speak of women.I have had a few very special moments with girlfreinds recently, one being my Hens weekend a couple of weekends back. A whole weekend with women is nourishing, I had only done it exclusively with girls back when I was 17. I will never forget about this sacred time my freind’s created for me, just before I set off on a brave leap into marriage!

But today I wish to share my gorgeous experience with Women at an incredible workshop I took with Tracy Verdugo . I have known and admired Tracy from the age of around 14, when I met her in her Artspark creativity classes for teenagers. I was drawn to her warm, wise soul and of course all the colour’s that surround her; in clothing, her nature and her paintings alike.

We got on well then,  similar in many ways ( dreamy, spiritual and sensitive). So when I reconnected with Tracy last year over email with the offer of working with her- I nearly wet my pants. And that was even before I knew the extent of what she had been up to and how far her determination,  will and belief in her own dream had lead her. So to make a long story shorter I began working with Tracy and after 6 months or so of being her assistant- I had the chance to sit into her workshop:  Paint Mojo ( http://bit.ly/OqU0ia) !

Paint Mojo for me was about learning new ways of being creative, inspired and intuitive in strategy and in life. But in experience of the workshop, It was the sense of calm and ‘letting go’ you felt in those two days whilst creating that was the bliss part for me.We started off with a meditate and from that moment of inhalation and exhalation on- I allowed myself to just ‘be ‘ in that room as a intuitive being. Working large and with plenty of colour was unusual for me, but it was about being aware of the processes carried out for me over the weekend and not the finished product.

We all continually cast judgement as somebody looked at our work, apologising for something. But Tracy was close by to hush out the critical voice and see the light and possibility within our works.

paint Mojo Huskisson

I felt an air in that community hall that was supportive and also healing. And at the end of the two days we regrouped into our circle and we all listened to one another’s experience of the workshop. I noticed the confidence and contentment in most women that came from exploring their deeper story ( with symbols) and seeing their unique marks made. Everyone students works were different and unique and collectively we all applauded that.

Its a beautiful thing to be guided by someone with such a heightened imagination, who has a love for the written word as much as the visual, whose perspective is bright/bold at the same time as cradling the sensitivity within each of us and who radiates a support  that only a leader would.

Tracy Verdugo :http://on.fb.me/1mYzt0r

Written with Gratitude for this experience,

Cinnamon girl x